Draft Budget 2006/07 For Cabinet 17th January 2006
Net Programme - Highlighting City Council Resources to be Used
GENERAL FUND OTHER SERVICES 2006/07 Current Approved Programme 2006/07 New Schemes  Slippage B/F 2005/06 2006/07 Total 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 Total Net Scheme Cost Gross  Scheme Cost Existing/ New Bid Revenue Implications/Comments
Scheme No. £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000    
28 Flood Alleviation Schemes - Investigation Programme 0     0 0 0 0   0 80 Existing £100 p.a. with budgetary provision
                      On-going repair and maintenance being met from existing budgets.
27a River and Sea Defences DEFRA Unapproved         9 7     16 1,173 Amended  
27b River and Sea Defences DEFRA Approved 3,019 -3,001   18 8   0   26 12,685 Amended  
Flood Defences 3,019 -3,001 0 18 17 7 0 0        
39 Williamson Park Development Strategy   20   20         20 20 Existing  
41 Middleton Wood Ph.1 / Access Improvements       0         0 68 Existing  
06:06 District Playground Improvements   100   100 100 100 100   400 400 New Additional £8k (maintenance of £400 per playground required)
06:25 District Parks and Open Spaces Improvements(incl. Regents Park) 50     50 50 50     150 250 New £50k in 6/7 assumed to be same as Regents Park Scheme
06:26 Rural Recreation Scheme   40   40 20 20 20 20 120 200 New  
06:27 Community Pools and Sports Rec Grounds   50   50 50 50     150 150 New  
06:33 Willow Lane Play Area       0         0 46 New  
Parks and Open Spaces  50 210 0 260 220 220 120 20        
B/F 2005/06 Marsh Cycling and Walking Safer Route       0         0 11 Existing  
Community Safety 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0        
33 Traffic Calming Schemes                             20 20 0 0     20 70 Existing  
33 Back Street Improvements                       40     40         40 40 Existing  
30 Ashton Rd Area Transport Initiatives       0         0 67 Existing  
25 Denny Beck Bridge Improvements       0   36 103   139 139 Existing  
53 Millennium Park - Enhancement Project       0         0 188 Existing  
06:04 Cycling England       0         0 570 New  
06:28 Car Park Improvement Programme   100   100 50 50 50 50 300 300 New  
Highways & Traffic 40 100 20 160 50 86 153 50        
16 Carnforth Market Town Initiative 50     50 50       100 646 Amended  
35 Mcmbe Townscape Heritage Scheme        0         0 2,242 Existing  
17 Lancaster SRB Env Improvements     35 35         35 35 Existing  
22 Lancaster SRB Programme       0         0 440 Existing Additional staffing implications from Dec 06 to Dec 08
48 Economic Development Zone - Cycling & Walking Network       0         0 524 Amended  
15 Economic Development Zone - 4/5 Dalton Sq.       0         0 50 Existing  
55 Economic Development Zone - Quality Bus Scheme       0         0 674 Existing  
55 EDZ Schemes - Net Slippage 2004/05       0         0 571 Existing  
36 Port of Heysham - Access Improvements      102 102   271     373 475 Existing Potential one off costs to be confirmed with budgetary provision
38 Storey Institute Centre for Creative Industries (Cabinet  13 Dec 05 Min 102)   250   250 250       500 4,890 Amended  
34 Luneside East 'Urban Village' Lancaster       0 0       0 15,370[1] Existing  
06:01 Storey Institute-Relocation of TIC       0 250       250 450 New  
50/06:30 Heysham Mossgate Community Facilities       0         0 4,000 Amended Rental Issue & TIC future needs clarifying - potentially up to £110k annually from 2007/08 ongoing revenue costs, £40k ongoing currently budgeted for.
Other Economic Development 50 250 137 437 550 271 0 0        
20/06:12  IT Infrastructure       0 157[2] 0 30   187 195 Amended  
18 Application Systems Renewal 125     125 425 238 125   913 1,113 Existing  
19/06:13 Desktop Equipment 100     100 100 100 100 100 500 500 Amended  
B/F 2005/06 Protect Replacement ( Anite / Task )     36 36         36 36 Existing  
06:14 EDMS & Workflow   150   150 150 50 50 50 450 450 New £27k ongoing revenue costs - budget provision to be confirmed
Supporting 'Electronic' Government 225 150 36 411 832 388 305 150        
2 Salt Ayre Building Condition Survey   34[3]     34         34 34 Amended  
11 Fire Safety Works     15 15         15 15 Existing £32k revenue - budget included in R&M for 05/06 only
14 Customer Service Centres Other                       108   275 383         383 383 Existing Revenue Implications to be reviewed
06:03 Lancaster Cemetery Wall   22   22         22 22 New  
06:05 Morecambe Clock Tower Toilets   150   150         150 150 New Ongoing revenue implications unknown at this stage, but will save on existing budget as it is proposed charging is introduced.
13/06:07 White Lund Depot Improvements   45   45 153       198 198 Amended Ongoing revenue £5k with no budget provision
06:11 Council Owned Property Repairs (excl. Housing)   200   200         200 200 New Need to clarify revenue/capital split.
06:17 SASC Building Condition Survey   93   93 58 41 30 30 252 252 New Need to clarify revenue/capital split.
06:18 SASC External CCTV   20   20         20 20 New One off revenue cost of £5k and ongoing £4k, both with  budgetary provision
06:19 SASC Spectator Seating   60   60 60       120 120 New Ongoing revenue cost of £500 with budget provision
06:20 SASC Bar & Catering Refurbishments   30   30         30 30 New  
06:21 SASC DDA-Entrance Doors   30   30         30 30 New  
06:22 SASC Main Hall Lights   18   18         18 18 New  
06:23 SASC Outdoor Changing Rooms   55   55         55 55 New  
06:24 SASC Athletics Track   68   68         68 108 New  
06:29 Morecambe TIC Refurbishment   35   35         35 35 New Short Term relocation costs whilst work in progress. Estimated 5% increase in income.
06:32 SASC Solar Panels   20   20         20 20 New  
Improving Facilities 142 846 290 1,278 271 41 30 30        
7 3 Stream Waste Ph 4 (Cabinet 18th Oct 05 Min 68)       0         0 56 New At present it is assumed all capital items will be leased - as per the Cabinet report.
Waste Collection & Recycling 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0        
General Fund Other Services Total 3,526 -1,445 483 2,564 1,940 1,013 608 250 6,375 50,864    
GENERAL FUND HOUSING                        
37/06:16 Disabled Facilities Grants (including £100k top up) 341 55   396 330 330 330 330 1,716 3,861 Amended Estimated £99k Income to be generated - £88k currently estimated
37/6:15 District Wide Home Repair  Assistance 80 20   100 100 100 100 100 500 500 Amended  
37 West End Masterplan 0     0 0 0 0   0 12,000 Existing £210k funded by English Partnerships/ NWDA
Townscape Heritage Initiative                   357     357         357 357 Existing  
06:02 Bespoke Housing Solutions   1,000   1,000         1,000 1,000 New  
06:08 Regional Housing Board Funding-West End       0         0 7,500 New  
06:09 West End - LAA-SSCF-CSGE Funding       0         0 2,100 New  
06:10 English Partnerships/Exemplar Funding   200   200         200 4,700 New Delivery team funded by English Partnerships
Reductions(-) / Increases required to programme -278     TBC         0 0    
General Fund Housing Total 500 1,275 0 2,053 430 430 430 430 3,773 32,018    
Estimated Slippage Carried Forward -50               0 0
Estimated Slippage Brought Forward 230               0 0
COMBINED GENERAL FUND CAPITAL PROGRAMME 4,206 -170 483 4,617 2,370 1,443 1,038 680 10,148 82,882
FUNDED BY :                  
Use of Capital Receipts (in year) 707 160 483 1,350 1,114 50 50   2,564
Direct Revenue Financing           36 103   139
General Unsupported (Prudential) Borrowing         225 560 215   1,000
General Supported Borrowing - Housing Schemes (will change to grant) 500[4] 1,020   1,520 430 430 430 430 3,240
Specific Supported Borrowing - DEFRA (Sea Defence) Schemes 2,999 -2,999             0
General Capital Grants (Non Specific)   69   69 69       138
TOTAL RESOURCES 4,206 -1,750 483 2,939 1,838 1,076 798 430 7,081
ANNUAL SURPLUS / (-) SHORTFALL 0 -1,580 0 -1,678 -532 -367 -240 -250 TRUE 72,734
CUMULATIVE SURPLUS / (-) SHORTFALL  0 -1,678 -2,210 -2,577 -2,817 -3,067 -3,067 -10,148
* Bold Schemes are new bids (some of which amend exisiting bids in the programme) for 2006/07 onwards

£12k relating to Revenues Server
amended 15-02-05 awaiting confirmation - revenue exp
per SRH after discussion with ADC re additional £500k borrowing 6/1/05